1.5 Compare and contrast cloud and virtualization concepts and technologies


Julianne Noone

Blogging Tech 1104

For my teaching tech blog post I have chosen to blog about objective 1.5 Compare and contrast cloud and virtualization concepts and technologies. For some background knowledge, virtualization is creating a virtual system of software on hardware to create multiple virtual machines in one place.  The virtual systems run independently with their own software. 

                Generally, there are 4 different types of virtualizations used in technology: Slices or Chroot, Full Virtualization, Old Containers, and New Containers. Slices/chroot changes the root directory for the hierarchy managing group and the “children”. Full virtualization is when the guest OS is completely isolated from the hardware by the virtual machine using binary translations and the direct approach technique. Old Container is the older method of using portions of the OS to create isolated control groups and “jail” them. Now the New Containers are known as Dockers, have become a container manager offering an entire ecosystem for the container management.

Local Virtualizations are typically VMware Workstations products or Windows vitalizations such as Hyper-V which can be set up on one dedicated hardware to provide various virtual workstations.

Cloud Virtualization is a pool of virtual resources being managed and orchestrated by automation software over the internet and can be accessed by multiple system opposed to one. The biggest cloud services used for Linux are Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, and Microsoft Azure.


https://blog.aquasec.com/a-brief-history-of-containers-from-1970s-chroot-to-docker-2016 https://www.redhat.com/en/topics/cloud-computing/cloud-vs-virtualization https://www.dnsstuff.com/virtualization-technology-cloud-computing-types#:~:text=Virtualization%20in%20cloud%20computing%20allows,infrastructure%2C%20software%2C%20and%20platforms.
